We are million volts in a pool of light 我们是今夜驱动一池灯光的百万电压
Electricity in the room tonight 是从来自太阳的飞溅的火花中诞生的
Born from fire
Sparks flying from the sun
I hardly know you 我几乎不认识你,但说真的,你的心也在我的胸膛跳动
Can I confess
I feel your heart beating in my chest
You come with me 跟我来吧,就在今夜
Tonight is going to be the one
Cause you have faith and no fear for the fight 因为你胸怀信仰,无惧战斗
You pull hope from defeat in the night 从失败中汲取希望
There is an image of you in my mind 我脑中有你的影像
Could be mad but you might just be right 有点疯狂,但这也许恰恰是对的
We are the people we’ve been waiting for 我们就是我们所期待的人
Out of ruins of hate and war 从仇恨和战争的废墟中站起来
Army of lovers never seen before 成为这世间从未见过的爱的战士
We are the people we’ve been waiting for 我们就是我们所期待的人民
We are the people of the open hand 我们张开了手,准备重建
The streets of Dublin to Notre-Dame 从都柏林的街道到巴黎圣母院
We’ll build it better than we did before 我们会建设得比从前更好
We are the people we’ve been waiting for 我们就是我们所期待的人
We are the people we’ve been waiting for 我们就是我们所期待的人
Broken bells at a broken church 破败的教堂里传来破碎的钟声
Heart that hurts is a heart that works 我们心痛,这证明我们活着
From a broken place 这个破碎的地方
That’s where the victory is won 会是我们赢得胜利的地方